Primary health-care practitioners have a responsibility to protect the health of staff and patients alike. foot,clinic,covid-19,screening,toronto,orthotics

Beginning at the end of January 2020, Dr. Horowitz began active COVID-19 screening (Coronavirus)  with patients in the clinic and made signage available, to passively screen patients, who may have been exposed to the virus and to increase awareness of the virus.

Initially, COVID -19 screening involved asking patients who came to the clinic to delay their appointments if they were experiencing fever, chills, muscle aches or a cough and/or if they had a recent travel history to China, to self-quarantine.

Canadian Health Authorities recommended staying home and entering self-isolation for 14 days and contact their physician, a walk-in clinic and call Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000.

For any patient who is immunocompromised, or who has a cold or slight cough but no fever, Dr. Horowitz made masks available.

Intensification of Screening Efforts:

By mid-February, Dr. Horowitz began screening patients by phone, ahead of their appointments, on her online booking site and in the clinic prior to appointments. Anyone with a travel history to ANY country, particularly where there is a large outbreak and evidence of community spread, is a concern.

Current screening has evolved to asking every patient if, to their knowledge,  have they been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. If so, they are asked not to schedule their appointments and to self-isolate.

A geographic list of Public Health Units and their phone numbers is available.

Though Dr. Horowitz has always washed her hands between patients and kept equipment and treatment tables clean on a daily basis, we are now using disinfecting wipes on all surfaces, after each patient is treated.  All areas are being disinfected including doorknobs, treatment tables, all equipment, ipads, computers and keyboards.

Current areas affected by Coronavirus,  as of March 11, 2020

According to the Ontario Ministry of Health  page about the status of Coronavirus, the following geographic areas are identified as affected areas:

  • China (mainland)
  • Hong Kong
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • South Korea

Travellers who have returned from Hubei province (China) or Iran, are advised to self-isolate and should:

  • contact their local public health unit within 24 hours of arriving in Canada
  • stay at home and avoid close contact with others, including those in their home, for a total of 14 days from the date they left Hubei province (China) or Iran
  • contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or their local public health unit if they experience symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus

Currently, all travellers returning to Canada should self-quarantine and:

  • monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days after leaving the affected area
  • contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or their local public health unit if they experience symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus

Let us all pull through this together, by looking out for one another and by being considerate of each other.  Our serious efforts are needed in order to contain the spread of COVID-19, as there are people with weakened immune systems, who are older or who have pre-existing conditions, who are especially vulnerable at this time.


Dr. Leslie Horowitz

Toronto Orthotics Foot, Leg & Back Pain Clinic



Call us now at (647) 349-4909