sprained-ankle-twistedTwisting Injury leading to a Sprained Ankle


With a sprained ankle, the ankle twists beyond the normal range which damages the ligaments that support the ankle. Ankle sprains can occur when a person is walking on unlevel ground, particularly if we are not paying attention or multi-tasking. 

You are more likely to sprain your ankle if you have had prior sprains. 

They occur during sports but also happen to people who are not very active. 

It is important for you to wear proper footwear for the activity you are doing and to lace up your shoes properly.  

What Causes Me to Sprain My Ankle? 

  • Multi-tasking and not being present or mindful where one is walking 
  • Walking in the dark 

A sprained ankle results in pain, swelling, bruising, and stiffness of the ankle region. Mobility, range of motion and weight-bearing are adversely affected. The severity of the ankle sprain depends on the condition of the torn ligaments. 

Degree of Injury for a Sprained Ankle:

Your sprain will be graded by looking at the amount of swelling and bruising of the ankle. Based on the severity of the ligament’s condition and your ability to weight-bear, ankle sprains are categorized as grade 1,2, or 3.

  • Grade 1: a mild sprain with some damage to the ligament fibers.
  • Grade 2: a moderate sprain with partial tearing of the ligament.
  • Grade 3: a severe sprain with complete tearing of the ligament.

The diagnosis of a Sprained Ankle starts with the physical examination, which is painful as the ankle is bent in various directions to assess which ligament is injured.

If you cannot take 4 steps immediately after an injury, Dr. Horowitz will send you for radiographs (x-rays), to confirm or rule out whether any fracture is present.

If Dr. Horowitz makes a diagnosis of a considerable Grade 2 or Grade 3 (severe) sprain, she will refer you for a Surgical Consultation.


Toronto Orthotics Foot Leg and Back Pain Clinic

Relief from Plantar Fasciitis, Foot, Leg and Lower Back Pain

Have Questions about how we can help? 

Contact us by calling (647) 349-4909 or ask Dr. Horowitz a question by filling out this form below: